Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Harlandale H. S., Texas

Harlandale Independent School District is located in southern San Antonio, Texas. The district has 2 primary high schools. Harlandale High School was a Texas Education Agency Recognized school in 2007-08. Its enrollment of 1880 students is 90%+ Hispanic with 34% of the students eligible for free or reduced lunch. Albert Perez is a construction teacher with 24 years experience. He originally trained for Geometry in Construction in Seguin, Texas during the summer of 2008. Mario Rodriguez, who has 16 years experience in math did his training during the summer of 2009. With support from their CTE director, Velma Ybarra, they launched Geometry in Construction this fall.

Tell us about your classes?

We have 2 sections of 25-30 students each. Each section is scheduled for two 50 minute periods each day. We have about 30% females. Originally there was to be only 1 section, but the initial enrollment came back with 2 sections and with 20-30 students on a waiting list.

What are you building as a capstone?

The project is being built on campus on concrete block piers. The 754 square foot house has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. It has a bay window, to get more of the geometry into the construction. What is unique is the 26’ by 29’ house is being built in one section and will be moved in one piece.

What type of community support have you received?

We have had wonderful support from the community. Everyone we have asked is willing to be a sponsor. The Minority Contractors Association of San Antonio have partnered with us by providing expertise and architectural drawings. In fact, the architect is an alumnus of Harlandale High School. All the HVAC has been donated by a large firm in San Antonio.

How have the students responded?

When students were asked “Do you want to change back to regular geometry?” Their response was “No, we like being able to apply our math”. Another popular comment has been “Not what I expected. It was supposed to be easy. I have to think.” We have had no major discipline issues whereas by now we would have had 1-2 fights in our regular class.

What has been your biggest surprise?

The girls are taking a leadership position in the math classroom and on the construction site. Also, I have gained a new perspective of how the classroom math is applied in real life situations.

What has been your biggest obstacle?

The process for ordering materials takes a lot of time.

What advice would you give others considering starting Geometry in Construction?

Start with a small capstone. Order your materials early. Be willing to learn and be willing to get out there with the kids.

Do you have any final thoughts?

It has been a good experience for both of us. Have an open mind because you may not be the master of your subject.

Thanks to Albert Perez and Mario Rodriguez for sharing a little about their classes.

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